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Women face unique challenges as resilient leaders.

We know that gender equality isn’t just the right thing to do,

it’s the smart thing to do.

Women as Resilient Leaders

Studies show that women are often under-represented,

despite their proven benefit to productivity and profitability.


Resilient Leaders Elements conducted a survey,

and found that, regardless of age or sector, women encounter

commonly shared internal and external barriers

that keep them from reaching their full potential.

RLE directly supports women in addressing each of these issues.

Source: McKinsey and Bloomberg

RLE Critical Issues for Women Survey results (majority = >50% of 179 women) 



Lack of


Struggling with

Being Heard





Unconscious Bias &

Narrow View of Leadership

Lack of Appreciation

for Emotional Intelligence

Lack of Commitment

to Diversity

Image by LinkedIn Sales Navigator

All women are resilient leaders when we have confidence

in "who we are" and "what we do". 

Image by LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Exceptional Leadership Growth of 20 - 40%*

*20% on intensive programmes  |  40% on longer-term programmes

What We Do

We build awareness, confidence and resilience in you so that you know you have a voice and a language to describe yourself authentically as a leader.


You develop a leadership presence that is felt even when you’re not in the room.


You develop a clarity of direction that enables you to lead yourself and others through uncertainty; knowing your decisions are made at the right time with the right people in the right place.

How We Do It

Irrespective of career and life stage, we understand the issues you face and support and challenge you to be the best version of yourself.


Our world-class Resilient Leadership Development Programmes are tailored to individual needs and guarantee measurable and sustainable growth in leadership capability.

Resilient Leaders Elements helps you throughout your career and life transitions.

Invest in yourself — join our

Resilient Women Leaders LinkedIn Group

The unique RLE™ model

Each of the Resilient Leaders Elements has transformational impact.

What I do

Know where you are, where you want to get to and focus on results.

Who I am

Learn how to channel your emotions and motivate yourself and others in a positive and purposeful way.

Clarity of Direction

People know where they are going, why they are going there and they know you are determined to succeed.

Each individual can work out what to do for themselves in order to get to the end point. 

Resilient Decision Making

Great decisions are made at the right time, with the right people, in the right place.

Contingency options are always available so that the unexpected can be dealt with effectively and confidently. 


Everyone, including you, works at their best, resulting in higher productivity and motivation. 

Diversity is appreciated and used to the benefit of all. 

Systems and processes serve people in achieving their goals.

Leadership Presence

You have 'presence' even when you're not in the room. 

The best person takes the lead and is fully supported by all around them, leading to greater effectiveness and better results.

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